SRP will exhibit the Lynx UAS and Swift GCS in MetaVR’s booth#1249 at the Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conference and Trade Show (I/ITSEC), to be held November 27 – December 1, 2017, at the Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, FL, USA. Come see how MetaVR utilizes Lynx UAS imagery to improve realism and visuals within Virtual Reality Scene Generator™ (VRSG)™ and other simulator applications.
VRSG real-time rendering of an AH-1Z entity flying over the geospecific 2 cm per-pixel resolution synthetic 3D terrain (mapped by Lynx UAS) of the U.S. Army Yuma Proving Ground (YPG). In 2016, MetaVR delivered the high-resolution geospecific virtual terrain to the Special Operations Terminal Attack Controller Course (SOTACC) facility, Yuma, AZ, for use in the facility’s simulators prior to live-range training.